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With two members from Interlake Christian Fellowship Church near Arborg MB (which is a 1.5 hr drive north of Winnipeg), we flew to God's River First Nation (3.5 hr flight by small plane) from Friday 18th till Monday 21th to attend their 10 day Revival Meeting to encourage and have fellowship with our brothers and sisters from the North.We came back blessed and overwhelmed with their love for us.God's River's radio station was meeting point for the evangelists from 3 different First Nation communities to broadcast the evening meetings.It was a wonderful and blessed time with about 4 hrs church-time every
evening. Two black Evangelists from "New Life Ministries" Georgia were there too, with an incredible message to share - One of the highlights were: "Don't gamble with your soul".You won't believe, that the shorter one is 75 years old, the other is 50.I had the opportunity to share out of my life, how Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit, turned my life around and guided me out of my self-confident lifestyle.I also presented the Overcomers Outreach Program (
OO provides Christ-centered recovery support and fellowship for those, whose quality of life has suffered due to problems such as difficulty in relationships, codependency, addiction any kind, eating disorder,gambling, obsessive/compulsive behavior and others.We are looking forward to establish regular meetings in a approved OO format to provide anonymity, safety and accountability of the group.Fellow
ship in Recovery Reconciliation to God & His Family
Education about Chemicals & Addiction
Edification through Faith in Christ
Dedicated Service to others

On Sunday, we celebrated a double baptism (a young couple from this community) done by Marcel Okemow (Pastor of the local Apostolic Church) and one of the Evangelist from Geogia.The birds w
ere on the ground on Monday, so why should we take off - so we went 30 minutes by boat to an abandoned camp to evaluate how it could be restored to hold Summer Bible Camps.On the way back to the community, the out-border made a bi
g buzz and jelled for oil - the only one we had, was Canola oil for the moose meat and potatoes we had at the camp. The engine quit and we became a play-ball to the elements water and wind. But thank God, another boat came along with some motoroil.We had a
great flight home, as you can see with all the lakes, the amphibs are THE safety factor in case of an engine failure.You also recognize the round earth shape at the horizon.