So I asked a very good friend of mine, whether he would be willing to volunteer - here he is:
Bill, a gifted airplane mechanic (AME), professional Bushpilot and Crop-Sprayer -
and he loves to fly the "Buck 85"
Click on the pictures to enlarge
The task was the same as every year -
- to shuttle a team of 13 volunteers/workers from Markham Chinese Baptist Church Toronto with their backpacks and Rick, the Director from Pathway Camp Ministries from Pine Dock to Bloodvein -
- they had already a week camp in Grand Rapids
- to shuttle a team of 13 volunteers/workers from Markham Chinese Baptist Church Toronto with their backpacks and Rick, the Director from Pathway Camp Ministries from Pine Dock to Bloodvein -
- they had already a week camp in Grand Rapids
Go to Pathway Camp Ministries website to learn more about their program in Manitoba's Northern Communities