Isaiah 40:31 Those who HOPE in the LORD will renew their STRENGTH - they will SOAR on wings like EAGLES
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Here his experience coming to Bloodvein:
If Rock Throwing and Streching the Neck Hole of Your Shirt ever become Olympic sports, Canada has a lock on the Gold, Silver and Bronze medals for years to come.
For the tiny remote community of Bloodvein, there lies a veritable wealth of raw, untapped talent.
You can only pester the town dogs for so long before they play dead so that you will leave them alone and move on!
Many of the buildings in this town are made of sheet metal. This serves a couple purposes. 1) Metal walls are somewhat fireproof, 2) When the white folks are inside these buildings setting up a clothing sale and you bombard the building with rock, it makes an AWESOME racket! We were hit from all side, including the roof. And when anyone would go check to see if the sky was, in fact falling, all the kids wanted was to come inside.
When the clothes were laid out and the residents were allowed in, the sale was a huge success. At $0.25 per article, there were some great buys and many happy faces! But after the clothes were purchased, the kids were bored once again.
And I know that I look EXACTLY like a jungle gym, but I have never had so many kids trying to climb me! We needed to start the gym night!
First, we packed the gym with equipment and then we packed it with kids. It was basically 2 straight hours of (somewhat) organized chaos. FAS plus ADHD times about 90% of the children equals total mayhem! I tip my cap to Matt, Dylan, Rick and Eliz. They did a fantastic job of organizing the games for these uberhyperactive youngsters. Definition of uberhyperactive?
See the photos of Mitch in the black shirt. Those pictures were taken at the end of the night and he clearly still had energy left to burn. Mitch was, by far the athlete of the day.
Half the size of most other kids, it seemed as though he was on a mission to shake the nickname that his friends had given him (a nickname that rhymes perfectly with his given name).
My day was long, but not nearly as long as that of Matt, Dylan, Rick and Eliz. Still, I had to go home and party. (Oh, I should probably explain that. After the gym night at the school on the Jackhead Reserve, a young fella asked me if I wanted to “party”. I told him that I was definitely interested in “partying” but that my idea of a party involved a nice long soak in a bathtub with some Epsom salts and possibly a crossword puzzle. Suddenly, he didn’t seem to interested in partying with me anymore).
Maybe I should have taken a cue from the dogs and just played dead halfway through the day.
And if the gift to me from the last school was the beautiful black rock from the shy little girl, the gift to me on this day, was the most beautiful Northern Lights show that I have ever seen.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
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Marcel's daughter Marylov recently lost her husband, but her faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has given her a special gift to reach out to other people and comfort them with her warmth and faithful spirit in their times of struggle.
So she was a vital part during these days of tent meetings, giving her testimony and speaking about her experience with God in her grief and mourning.
After returning Marcel and his daughters to God's Lake and the family of five to Round Lake, I had a smooth 3 hour Night-flight back home to St. Andrews - most of the flight was in 10,000 feet (3 kilometres), the wind up there was in favour to me pushing me back home.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
First Group |
Because we needed two trips to bring all eight people to Island Lake, we had to have 550 ltr of fuel available at Arborg (2.5 hrs north of Winnipeg)
The program for this time was Vacation Bible School, re-connect and encourage the Christians in their effort to serve their community and some work on the Church building "Jesus Name Church", Pastor Joe Little built during the last ten years - sadly he passed away about a month ago, but his wife Julliet and Pastor Marcel Okomow from God's River First Nation are going to have tent meetings (Evangelization) September 9th till 11th.
Jonathan Hofer, one of the volunteers gives us a summary:
As I watch Brother Edgar pack the plane with our luggage, fishing rods, food etc. for our trip up north for our annual Bible School on the Garden Hill First Nation; I am praying that God would protect us and watch over us and for sure keep this Cessna 185 in the air as we fly. It is a beautiful little plane and it testifies the name of God as is zooms through the air, off course by the flight registration number which say C-FGOD, and the logo in the back which shows an eagle and the words, Northern Eagle Ministries together with a bible verse Isiah40,31 ; it is really fitting with the occasion and a thankfulness wells up in my heart that we have access to such a blessed brother who spends his time flying and ministering to people and being there for us as we carry out what God has laid upon our hearts that is to work amongst the First Nations People of this Province, Manitoba. I am also VERY VERY thankful for those that by faith give to this mission and support it financially, without it the Gospel of Jesus Christ could not be spread.
We lift of and with cheers from our families on the side of the grassy airstrip our thoughts turns towards the upcoming days and what they will be filled with, we pray silently as we watch the scenery go by beneath us and the further north we go the more desolate the land becomes, actually beautiful, we can see lots of rivers, ice road trails, rock, huge amount of trees, all kinds of shapes and sizes of lakes and even at odd times we can see broken down cars sitting beside the ice road trails and also the odd cabin, but yet the place is void of people and I had to wonder what hope there would be if we would have to make a crash landing but God protected us and within 2 hours or so we caught a glimpse of Island Lake and within minutes we were making a full circle over the island and descended onto the gravel air strip, we unloaded our luggage and walked over to the airport where they loaded our luggage on a little wagon and off we went down to the dock where we loaded into a boat taxi and started our 15 minute boat ride on a beautiful lake across to the Garden Hill Reserve, as we came up to the Hydro Dock we see Brother Randy Schrock waiting for us with a big smile, (he and 3 others had flown in, in the morning with Edgar, there were 2 flights that day with that plane, thanks Edgar it must have been a long day) we unloaded and headed towards Julliet Little's house where we stayed for the weekend, actually the girls stayed in the house and us 5 guys stayed in the church house on the floor, very thankful for the good night's rest we had every night. Joe and his wife have built and pastured this little flock for a long time, and with sadness I say our dear brother Joe has left this earth and is united with His Friend Jesus in heaven whom he served faithfully here on this earth.
Vacation Bible school was our main focus and the door has been opened for us towards the children, so next morning we drove down to the TV station and announced that we were here for our annual vacation Bible School and that all the children were welcome to attend, each team member introduced themselves and we sang a song too, than we went back to the little church house and set up everything we needed to, to get going that afternoon, spent time praying and opened the door around 1:30 to the first little knock on the door, my heart goes out to children and such Joy when at last they flocked in quite loud boisterous, but I must say that I prayed for each little face that walked through that door, we spent time praying with them, we had a felt board along where we could add felt pieces as we walked through the Bible story with them, those little eyes were glued to the board and took it all in, we were amazed that some of them remembered from last year some of the details of the Bible stories and it was a blessing for us to see that, the seed of the Word is planted and God will give the increase, His Word tells us that it will not come back void and on that promise we stand firmly, because it is being proven by all who have been saved by His Word. Lots of the people are hopeless and depressed because of the living conditions on those islands and they need to hear of the true and lasting hope they can find, and that is a command for us to do, to go and preach the gospel and spread the good tidings.
I would like to say again from the team and our Church here in this little nook of this big world in Arborg, Manitoba, thank you so much Edgar for the countless times where you have been there for us when we needed to go up north short notice to funerals etc, when these dear people begged us to come and comfort them and all the trips to the different reserves to share the gospel, also want to extend another thank you to all those who support financially the mission, airplane needs and also those who donate the Bibles and 101 Bible stories books for the children. Keep praying for us as we go and share the Gospel that make whole the lives of people. God Bless You All.
Jonathan Hofer
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Jesselyn came back from a Mission Trip, organized by Ron Hutchcraft Ministries.
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Jesselyn with one of the team members |
We travelled together with 59 other teens 2500 miles by bus to 10 reservations in 4 different states, having 3 outreaches in each reservation that took place in a basket ball court.
I did things, I never imagined I could do like talking to girls, I never met before, sharing what we called a "Hope Story"- it is my testimony - basically it is how my life was, what I went through, my turning point with JESUS and what HE is doing in my life now.
Just seeing GOD working through young believers, was very encouraging and it was a blessing to serve JESUS CHRIST with them.
I had the opportunity to share the Gospel with them, but sometimes, they would reject it, because they thought JESUS is a "White Man's God".
So I explained to them, that JESUS is a brown skinned man from a tribe called Judah. This really opened their eyes toward CHRIST.
The founder of "OEW" (On Eagles Wings) counted approximately 700 native americans, who were heading towards destruction, but now heading into salvation during this mission trip.
I plan to use what I have learned to reach my people in my community Cat Lake ON.
I can do all things through JESUS CHRIST, who strengthens me.
This is my calling and I feel very passionate about it - I thank GOD, that there are Ministries, that go out into the world to proclaim what our LORD has done.
Here a link to more information about Ron Hutchcraft Ministries and some pictures from this Mission Trip
My parents separated when I was 11.
I felt, that I could do what I wanted, because no one loved me.
At the age of 12, I had my first drink and I started drinking, smoking weed, and my friends and I would do this every weekend.
My mother committed suicide, when she was drunk - this happened, when I was 17; it was hard for me, because she was my best friend.
About a month later, my uncle drowned when he was drunk and I blamed GOD. I was so frustrated with Him, but I realized, that GOD never said that this wouldn't happen.
I moved in with my dad, that's when I got addicted with snorting drugs and gambling.
One night we were arguing and he started hitting me and saying stuff like "you are a looser", you are "nothing" and he asked me, if I wanted a rope, so I could go and hang myself, just like my mom did; and that all I wanted, was a man, to take care of me.
He was right! - because I do need a man to take care of me and his name is JESUS - ever since I asked HIM into my life I have this JOY this PEACE and NOTHING this world has to offer compares to what I have NOW.
No matter how bad my life falls apart, JESUS is always there to walk me through.
I don't need to get drunk to laugh, I don't need to get high on drugs to feel happy, I don't need to try to commit suicide to get rid of my problems, because the JOY of JESUS is my STRENGTH now.
Jesselyn Gray 19 Ojubwe
Monday, July 25, 2011
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On both flights (to and from Garden Hill) the smoke from forest fires made our trip a little bit challenging
Interlake Fellowship Church and some of their members supporting Pastor Joe Little's Ministry in the Garden Hill First Nation Community for a number of years - it is located 2 1/2 hour flight by small airplane north-east of Winnipeg.
He and his wife Juliet served this Northern Manitoba First Nation Fly-In Community all their life with counselling, Bible studies, Vacation Bible School and kids camps - they also adopted two kids and raised them together with their two children.
August 19th till 22nd, we are going again for Vacation Bible School for kids and teenagers
Click on the pictures to enlarge
Since a couple of years now, Northern Eagle Ministries serves Pathway Camp Ministries trough Air Transportation on various occasions.
Saturday, July 16th, a team of 13 volunteers from Markham Chinese Baptist Church Toronto with their backpacks and Rick, the Director from Pathway Camp Ministries had to be flown from Pine Dock to Bloodvein First Nation Community on the East side of Lake Winnipeg.
Here some highlights out of Pathway Camp Ministrie's experience during summer camps:
Since a couple of years now, Northern Eagle Ministries serves Pathway Camp Ministries trough Air Transportation on various occasions.
Saturday, July 16th, a team of 13 volunteers from Markham Chinese Baptist Church Toronto with their backpacks and Rick, the Director from Pathway Camp Ministries had to be flown from Pine Dock to Bloodvein First Nation Community on the East side of Lake Winnipeg.
Here some highlights out of Pathway Camp Ministrie's experience during summer camps:
Dear Friends,
Week 3 of summer camp is officially over and we had our last week in Bloodvein. This year a few of the logistics went a little smoother, but not all of them. We arrived at the dock to ship our supplies and 4 people by boat only to hear that our boat taxi driver was out in the lake in a fishing derby and would likely not arrive until 8 p.m. (4 hours after our scheduled time). However, we prayed and he was there only 40 minutes late - turns out the fish weren't biting that day for him. So...with the rest of the team flying over from Pine Dock, we reached Bloodvein in good time. There was confusion about the keys (again), but we got into the Band Hall and were able to get our supper. The house keys were more of a problem. We ended up with two teacherages by about 11 p.m., but they had to break into one to get it open for us. Apparently the locks are being changed next month, so they didn't mind.
It was a crazy night with enough mosquitoes to keep us all awake and also with a lot of rowdiness outside. The culprits ran off as the police came by, so things quieted down by about 4 a.m.
It was quite the week for weather - we were melting from the extreme heat on Monday & Tuesday. On Wednesday we had to end our program early as the power went off after lunch and we had no water or working washrooms, so things could have become quite unsanitary quickly. Then on Thursday it was cold & rainy with extreme winds. Thankfully the winds died down on Friday, enabling us to depart on the ferry. All of these conditions affected the attendance somewhat, but we ended up with 73 registered campers and a daily average of 56.
It was a busy week with very active children, but despite the weather conditions, they did well with their behaviour and their time in chapel. We knew most children from previous years, so it was a time to reinforce the Gospel message. Some of the community teenagers were assigned to "work" with us as part of their summer jobs, but their attendance and participation was sketchy at best. However, Wyatt, a teen we have known since he was 7 at Eagle Bay, was an active participant and did an excellent job. Our young friend Chris also joined us for staff devotions one morning and helped a bit.
Please pray that the truth of God's love will register with the children, particularly when they are insecure or scared. They are many families plagued with addictions and some children just don't go home for days at a time while parents are drinking.
Pray that the teens will have seen a real difference in our team members and will consider their options.
Pray for 3 young teens that are in their final trimester of pregnancies (Joellen, Martina & Danielle) - that they will be safe during delivery and that parenthood would prompt them to seek a better life for their families.
We say goodbye to our team from Markham Chinese Baptist Church today. They did an awesome job surviving the two weeks in the heat and other conditions and the children were sad to see them leave each community. It is a busy weekend as we pick up our next team from Bramalea Alliance and drive north to Chemawawin (Easterville) tonight to begin camp tomorrow morning (Sunday).
Pray for our strength & stamina as we enter Week 4.
Rick & Elizabeth
Monday, May 30, 2011
Thursday May 19th, I again had the privilege to fly Rick and Eliz Greer, the Directors of Pathway Camp Ministries into two First Nation Fly-In communities - Bloodvein River and Berens River.
We flew to Bloodvein and Berens River First Nations (both on the East side of Lake Winnipeg, about one hour north of Winnipeg by small plane) to confirm plans with local leadership and promote the upcoming kid's camps in these Communities.
PCM will held week-long Day Camps in seven Manitoba Communities this year.
From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily, Monday-Friday in each community. The day is jam-packed with sports, games, crafts, skits, and small group times. We provide the campers with a hot lunch and a snack daily.
We missed seeing the children in Bloodvein as someone attempted to burn down the school last Sunday (only 2 portables were destroyed) and the school is closed while they clean all the surfaces to attempt to remove the smoke damage.
However, we have acquired the Band Hall for our mealtimes and some other activities for the week of camp. This is a huge improvement in facility for cooking and serving and we are thankful for its availability.
On the way back to Ashern we flew over some Interlake communities we serve with camps, gym-nights and clothing sale like Little Saskatchevan and Lake St. Martin.
Both communities are in a desperate state as the floodwaters continue to rise and swallow many of their homes. LSM has completely evacuated their community and a large number have left from Little Sask.
PCM will held week-long Day Camps in seven Manitoba Communities this year.
From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily, Monday-Friday in each community. The day is jam-packed with sports, games, crafts, skits, and small group times. We provide the campers with a hot lunch and a snack daily.
More info about this wonderful Ministry here:
However, we have acquired the Band Hall for our mealtimes and some other activities for the week of camp. This is a huge improvement in facility for cooking and serving and we are thankful for its availability.

Both communities are in a desperate state as the floodwaters continue to rise and swallow many of their homes. LSM has completely evacuated their community and a large number have left from Little Sask.
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