to HIS glory, I want to share what happened to our ministry airplane, which came out to be a blessing:
here the minutes from that week:
- TUE, Oct 2nd, after a successful landing in St. Andrews, a
wind-gust lifted the plane's tail up high and the propeller
stroke the ground
Daily Bread reading: Be Contend, I have learned
in whatever state I am, to be content,
(Phil. 4:11)
- WED, Oct 3rd - Daily Bread: The High Cost of
Living Love the LORD your God,... obey His voice,... that you dwell in the
Land (Deut. 30:20)
- THU, Oct 4th - Daily Bread: Timing Is Everything - All things work together
for good to those ... who are the called according to HIS purpose
(Rom. 8:28)
- FRI, Oct 5th - Daily Bread: Least Powerful People, Let him who thinks he
stands take heed lest he fall (1 Cor. 10:12)
- SAT, Oct 6th - Daily Bread: Drop Your Hands - Be still, and know I am God,
(Ps. 46:10)
We only had to wait four days till Saturday to find out what it was for:
After taking the engine out, we found a almost rubbed trough fuel line, which must have rubbed on the firewall since the last time the engine was out which was 241 hours ago.
This fuel hose most likely would have ruptured in the near future and would have spilled fuel over an hot engine and also ended the fuel supply to the engine - forced landing or crash (I often fly at night, there is no chance of a forced landing with positive outcome)
Now we had the answer for the many "why" questions we had, since the flip occurred.
We now understood, why we had three flight cancellations in AUG and SEP - it was God's protection
Thanksgiving on Monday was a true Thanksgiving for us.
The cost for the engine rebuilt and prop replacement amounted to $44,000, which were covered by insurance.
We thank you for you faithful support over the years.
With this incident and my health issues , we are taking a time to retreat and ask for your prayer
The plane is repaired (engine rebuilt, new prop), on skis and ready to go.