Monday, October 18, 2010


Edgar is saying: It is so good to be back on the controls:

On October the 12th and 13th, I flew Rick and Elizabeth Greer from Pathway Camp Ministries together with their new team-member Mike Bustin to Berens River First Nation, a Fly-In community in Northern Manitoba, a 1.5 hour flight by small airplane north of Winnipeg on the east shore of Lake Winnipeg.

They had planned a clothing sale and a meeting with the community leaders to plan the 2011 Camp and report on this years summer camp.

Pathway Camp Ministries is getting clothing from all over the country (sometimes new stuff) as a service to the Northern Manitoba Communities.

During the meeting, everybody involved, praised the kid's attitude during camp and how they like Pathway to come back next year.
It was a successful meeting with commitments on both sides. 

The flight back to Winnipeg was a smooth and scenic ride.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


PRAISE the LORD, since last week I have my pilot license back with full privileges.

We are planning a flight to Berens River First Nation, a Fly-In community 1.5 flying hours north of Winnipeg with Pathway Camp Ministries mid October.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


On August the 23rd, Bill Funk, our interim volunteer pilot, flew eight members from Interlake Christian Fellowship Church to Garden Hill First Nation Community to support the Jesus Name Church with a week long Vacation Bible School.
Garden Hill is a two hour flight by small airplane north-east of Winnipeg.

Due to we have only 5 passenger seats, it took two flights with a little bit of fuel planning, because there is no Avgas available at Garden Hill.

Thanks to the generous support of William at Jack Pine Resort (he let us use his private airstrip), we were able to cut on the distance to fly and the time.

Katie Schrock writes:
"Bible School started on Tuesday afternoon and the children were very glad to see the team members and were very eager for our attention - they would follow us and hang onto the guy's arms.

For the Bible Stories we used a felt board - we had skits, object lessons and singing.

 The children really got into the singing - they would help holding up the song sheets and sang loud".

Friday, July 23, 2010


Due to health reason, I couldn't fly this years

So I asked a very good friend of mine, whether he would be willing to volunteer - here he is:

Bill, a gifted airplane mechanic (AME), professional
Bushpilot and Crop-Sprayer -
                                           and he loves to fly the "Buck 85"
Click on the pictures to enlarge
The task was the same as every year -
                          - to shuttle a team of 13 volunteers/workers from Markham Chinese Baptist Church Toronto with their backpacks and Rick, the Director from Pathway Camp Ministries from Pine Dock to Bloodvein -
                   - they had already a week camp in Grand Rapids

They did once again an excellent job - presenting the Gospel and Loving the kids 
Go to Pathway Camp Ministries website to learn more about their program in Manitoba's Northern Communities

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Here the first part of the story:

I was planning a flight to support Pathway Camp Ministry’s effort working together with their associates Phil Hood and Greg Meeres (Greg has filmed documentaries all over the world) and approximately 15 students from Grades 8 & 9 producing a video for the Community of Bloodvein MB, a community, only accessible by plane, boat or winter-road.
My part was to fly the students and the filmmakers over the community, so they could have some air shootings and to deliver a box with bibles for the students involved.

Now the "Coincidence or God's Planning" part:

Marge from Lifelight called and asked for a story how we as Northern Eagle Ministries deliver bibles into the Fly-In Communities of Northern Manitoba, referring to plans Wayne Herrod (volunteering for Lifelight) and I had weeks ago, flying into these Northern Communities and handing out Bibles.

Because we haven’t gone, I didn’t had a story, but I told her about my planning, the empty space in my plane and the time I have to go to two other communities before I am expected to fly the students with their film crew, and she was wondering, why she had an e-mail on her computer, saying that Bloodvein Nursing Station requested bibles – coincidence – I don’t believe that.

It took Marge and Wayne only 4 hours to organize bibles, talking to principles and nurses in charge of 3 northern communities, and I received 19 boxes with 755 lbs bibles (about 750 books) and was on my way to load the plane up to the ceiling and max. load incl. fuel and two guys.

With me came the Director of “Youth for Christ” Selkirk and we visited the nursing stations and schools of Poplar River First Nation, Berens River First Nation and Bloodvein First Nation, handing out easy-to-read bibles and had some good chats with the nurses in charge, health director’s and principles.
Linda Laite, Principal Poplar River School

   Nancy Whiteway, Principal
   Berens River School

We had a longer talk with Jackie Everett, Health Director Berens River, about the problems people facing in the remote Northern Communities: the effects of loss of family through foster care, suicide, addictions and violence. 
Jackie Everett, Health Director Berens River

Monday, March 22, 2010


I had the priviledge to meet one of our supporters in person - Anna Smith - the director of  the NATIVE CHILDREN's FOUNDATION of CANADA Inc

And here is, what she had to say:
My name is Anna Smith and I am Director of the Native Children’s Foundation of Canada Inc.

We help support Rick and Elizabeth Greer of Pathway Camp Ministries and it was through them, that I heard about Northern Eagle Ministries, as Ed had flown them into various Native communities in the North. I was very impressed with what they had to say and also I admit I was very curious and decided I would like to meet this couple. Ed happened to be passing through Orillia, Ontario on his way back to Manitoba and we met at a Tim Horton’s for coffee and chat.

I was immediately impressed with the intensity of this man and the love of Christ that shone from his eyes and the tenderness when he spoke of His Lord. I have spoken with Gisela by phone and she is just as tender as her mate. Later, I prayed and asked the Lord direction re helping to support this wonderful work of Northern Eagle Ministries.

Our Lord works in absolutely wonderful ways and it is a joy and a privilege to come alongside this dear couple to help support a much needed and important ministry into the fly-in communities of the North.