An aviation career fair for women and girls was set for this Saturday at St. Andrew's Airport and involved 10 minute discovery flights for more than 530 participants.
With 15 flights each 3 passengers, we contributed 45 girls/women to this number of participants.
With 15 flights each 3 passengers, we contributed 45 girls/women to this number of participants.

This is Women In Aviation week and Manitoba women with a passion for flying are passing that on to the next generation.

Due to health reason, I wasn't able to fly, but my very best friend and brother in Christ was available to step in and flew all day (except lunch-break) .
Very often people pointed out our unique call sign C-F GOD and said that they like it very much and "get it right away" what the plane is used for - flying Missionaries into Manitoba's and Ontario's Northern Fly-In communities. We then had a brief chance to answer questions about the plane's "Real Job".

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